Venetian Woven Ladder Tape

Our 25mm wide woven fabric ladder tape (made from polyester) is a great optional alternative to the standard string ladder. It not only assures you of greater light control by covering the ladder holes punched into the venetian blade, but also offers a design aspect that is simply timeless.

Vertilux Venetian Ladder Tape Brochure

Woven Polyester Ladder Tape

You can colour coordinate the woven tape to your blade colour or opt for a contrasting colour, such as Black Ladder Tape on a White Venetian. The choice is yours!

White > Only for
46mm, 60mm Cedarline, 50mm Timberline & 50mm, 63mm Techwood

Brown > Only for
46mm, 60mm Cedarline, 50mm Timberline & 50mm, 63mm Techwood

Grey > Only for
50mm Timberline & 50mm Techwood

Black > Only for
46mm, 60mm Cedarline, 50mm Timberline & 50mm, 63mm Techwood